Best Practices for Domain Security
Can you imagine how it will wreak havoc on your livelihood as you cease the online operations of your business while you try to rebrand and promote your brand-new domain? While your domain name may not be an investment-grade one, losing it will most likely have a serious effect on your business as a whole. For instance, you will lose access to your email account based on your domain if your domain name gets stolen or becomes inaccessible.
What consequences will happen if you set up your email to receive a password reset notifications for your brokerage, bank, or other important stuff? Aren’t these like nightmares turned into reality? This is why keeping your domain secure, safe, and protected all the time is extremely critical. If your domain security isn’t at par yet, here are some best practices you should put in place soon:

Keep Your Email Address Protected
There is another additional step you can take to protect the email address linked to your account. Once someone gets into your email, most of the time, they will also have carte blanche to every valuable account you have, with your domain name included.
Your password can be reset in just a matter of clicks and before you know it, your account is already compromised. It is the very reason why it is so important to enable two-factor on your accounts, which include your email accounts.
It is also vital to make regular updates to the password on your email accounts if one email provider gets compromised, or you plan to reuse your password in several places or accounts.